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Another Perspective on Texting & Driving
There are many opinions on the topic of texting and driving. The goal of this blog post is to explore the effects on vis...
When It Looks Like Your Eye Is Bleeding
We commonly see patients who come in saying that their eyes are bleeding.The patient is usually referring to the white p...
Your Eye Floaters and You
Do you have floaters in your vision?Floaters are caused by thick areas in the gel-like fluid that fills the back cavity...
How Eye Pressure Is Measured
A common question asked during the eye exam is, “When is the puff coming?”  Patients are referring to a...
When the White of Your Eye Turns Red
We commonly see patients who come in saying that their eyes are bleeding.The patient is usually referring to the white p...

The American Academy of Ophthalmology has recommendations for how often adults need to get their eyes examined and those recommendations vary according to the level of risk you have for eye disease.

For people who are not at elevated risk the...

"What are these weird floating things I started seeing?"

The spots, strings, or cobwebs that drift in and out of your vision are called “floaters,” and they are more prominent if you’re looking against a white background.

These floaters are...