LipiFlow Procedure

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Dr Susan Haskell is a licensed glaucoma certified optometrist experienced in the advanced diagnosis and treatment of dry eyes. She does not just treat with artificial tears, but reviews your medical history, current oral and topical medications, and does complete diagnostic testing with Lipiscan, TearLab, MMP9 and many other tests to determine the type of dry eye that is causing your discomfort. She matches the therapy that will be best suited to provide you long term relief.

 Some of the available therapies include

    • Topical Medication Xiidra, Azasite, Avenova, Blephadex Lid Wipes and Foam
    • Bruder Mask
    • Oral Therapy: Nordic Naturals, Oral and topical antibiotics
    • Amniotic Membrane Therapy
    • Punctal Plugs
    • Therapeutic Scleral Lenses
    • Lipiflow
    • BlephEx
    • Miboflow
    • Manual Lid Expression
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