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Have You Heard About MIGS?
For over 40 years the standard surgical treatment for glaucoma was a procedure called a trabeculectomy.In a trabeculecto...
What Everyone Should Know About Macular...
Age-related macular degeneration, often called ARMD or AMD, is the leading cause of vision loss among Americans 65 and o...
Chances Are Good You Have These Mites in...
Demodex folliculorum -- often just called demodex --  is a mite that occurs naturally on many people's faces and re...
Another Perspective on Texting & Driving
There are many opinions on the topic of texting and driving. The goal of this blog post is to explore the effects on vis...
When It Looks Like Your Eye Is Bleeding
We commonly see patients who come in saying that their eyes are bleeding.The patient is usually referring to the white p...

Fireworks Eye Injuries Have More Than Doubled in Recent Years

Fireworks sales will be blazing across the country from now through the Fourth of July. As retailers begin their promotions, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is shining a light...

More middle-aged and older adults are wearing soft contacts than ever.

And one of the biggest reasons they decrease or stop wearing contacts is the difficulty they face reading with their contacts after presbyopia begins to set in around the...