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The Eye as an Indicator of Alzheimer's?
In 2020, Alzheimer's Disease International estimated that the number of people living with dementia worldwide - nearly 5...
Aging and the Eye
Have you ever wondered what happens to the visual system as we age? What does the term "second sight" mean? What is pres...
Ways Pregnancy Can Affect Your Eyes
We all know that during pregnancy, a woman's body goes through a great deal of change hormonally and physiologically.&nb...
10 Eye-Opening Eye Facts
1. Vision is so important to humans that almost half of your brain’s capacity is dedicated to visual perception.2....
Meds That Can Make Your Eyes Drier
Dry eye is a very common problem that affects women more than men and becomes more prevalent as people get older.Signs a...
- Written by Dover Eye Care
Choosing a new pair of eyeglasses can be a daunting task.
Making a decision on what style glasses you will be wearing for the next year until your vision is checked again can be stressful. This is one of the many reasons opticians are here for...
- Written by Dover Eye Care
It's pretty common for eye doctors to have older patients come in asking if the white part of their eye, the sclera, has a growth or is turning a gray color.
Usually, the culprit is senile scleral plaque, which is commonly seen in people over the...