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3 Blinding Diseases We We Can Check for...
We sometimes get asked, "Why do I need an eye exam when I can see great?"An eye exam doesn't just check your visual acui...
Why Glasses in the Winter Are a Must
Not everyone understands the importance of sunglasses when the weather turns cold.Polarized sunglasses are usually assoc...
What You Should Know About Intraoperativ...
What Is Intraoperative Aberrometry?Yes, that is a mouthful, but the concept isn’t quite as hard as the name.An Int...
What to Know about a Freckle in the Eye
Choroidal nevus is the fancy term for a freckle in the back of the eye.This lesion arises from a collection of cells tha...
13 MORE Eye-Popping Eye Jokes
Ready or are 13 more jokes to make you groan!1. Patient: "What’s that floater doing in my eye, doctor?"...
- Written by Dover Eye Care
Choosing a new pair of eyeglasses can be a daunting task.
Making a decision on what style glasses you will be wearing for the next year until your vision is checked again can be stressful. This is one of the many reasons opticians are here for...
- Written by Dover Eye Care
It's pretty common for eye doctors to have older patients come in asking if the white part of their eye, the sclera, has a growth or is turning a gray color.
Usually, the culprit is senile scleral plaque, which is commonly seen in people over the...